Mental Health and Well-Being
Our schools mental health and well-being is our top priority at this testing time. This page aims to provide you with links to services as well as the tips for how you can support your child and family at home. Whilst caring for others, it is important to remember to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and to ensure your own health and well-being needs are being met.
Mental Health and Well-being site for young people in Brighton and Hove. Please click the image.
Below are several links to helpful resources: added 08/07/20
My changing world- secondary school
Starting primary school- activity pack
Starting secondary school- activity pack
ChatHealth Messaging Service
Text your school nurse - 07480 635423
As a parent/carer of child aged between 5-19 years old you may be worried about your child’s health and wellbeing and be unsure about how to get the help you need.
School nurses are still here to help - you can text them for confidential advice and support on a wide range of issues including:
- Behaviour
- Continence
- Emotional health
- Sleep
- Healthy eating
- Self-harm
- Minor accidents and illnesses
- Long term health conditions
- Young carers
Please text us if you feel we can offer any help and support
07480 635423
ChatHealth messaging service is run by the Healthy Child Programme 5-19, School Nursing Service and is available from 0900 am to 4.30 pm Monday –Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
We aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate bounce-back to confirm we received your text.
Texts will not be seen outside of normal working hours. If you need help before you hear back from us, contact you GP, NHS 111 or dial 999 if it is an emergency.
Brighton and Hove School Nursing Service
They are still here for you!
· We’re still here for you -
· Food and health –
Primary Mental Health and Well-Being Consultation
If you have any concerns or worries from educating your child at home to managing your child's anxieties and worries, please feel free to contact the Mental Health and Well-Being team on:
01273 293481
Please click here for the latest info!
Parenting Support
Please find below some parenting support information. There is also guidance on how you can self-refer to Triple P through the following website.
Triple P Parenting During Covid
Triple P Parenting Teenagers During Covid
Triple P Stepping Stones Parenting
Triple P Supporting Healthy Relationships
We know that parenting while juggling everything else is tough right now.
In normal times, Parent Gym’s school-based interactive sessions help build the skills and confidence of parents to create a calm home environment and raise happy children.
But with schools still closed, Parent Gym are developing some short online eWorkouts, offering quick, practical techniques to help create a happier family during these tricky times.
The workouts are free and fun and take only a few minutes to do on your phone, tablet or laptop – perfect for when you are making a cup of tea.
The first module - Keep Talking, looks at ways to get our families communicating.
The second – just released – gives tips for helping bring some Love and Harmony to family life in lockdown.
All of the workouts stand-alone and can be done in any order. To download the workouts click, pop the Parent Gym Keep Talking and Love and Harmony modules in your shopping basket and ‘purchase’ the eWorkouts (it won’t cost you a thing…).
Why not also visit Parent Gym’s facebook group, Parenting through uncertainty to share how parenting in lockdown is going for you and pick up some ideas from other parents for ways to keep family life calm?