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YEAR 1 Phonics workshop for parents and carers

As you may be aware, Reception and Key Stage 1 follow a phonics scheme called 'Sounds Write' that we would like to tell you all about.  You are invited in to school, to take part in a phonics session with your child on Wednesday 15th January at 2.30 pm.  Please enter the school through the school lane gate from 2.25 pm, where you will then be sent to your child’s classroom.  As you can appreciate, these are live teaching sessions so younger siblings cannot attend.


There will then be a phonics talk in Sandcastle Class from 3.20 pm about how to best support your child at home with their phonics application.  To attend the short talk after school, please collect your child as normal and then drop them at the crèche in Rockpool Class before heading to the talk.  Siblings from within the school are welcome at the crèche too! If you intend on using our crèche offer, please confirm this via the ping form.


We hope you can make it and gain a better understanding of how your children learn phonics at school and how to support us at home.